Saturday, September 21, 2013

The picture is NOT Victim Number 1

Hello, first I'd like to give an update on why I haven't posted, I apparently had more of an interest and following than originally though which is an interesting and happy feeling I got which inspired me to come back and make another post; first, I am obviously still alive and have not done any new posts because of scheduling issues, I am currently in college and have much time on my hands as I have switched from graphic design to history major due to issues with knowledge in Math and crazy scheduling. but this has gone WAY off topic and I must get down to buisness as I fail to have very little time.

Have you heard of a Creepypasta called MARIO? Well; for those who have not read it, it is a story about a user by the name of "ADAM" on the SMW Forums and he was offered by another user named "M.A.R.I.O" a hack that he made; the hack was filled to the brim of unsettling and creepy content and had alot of disturbing and unsettling feelings when playing through it. but that is not what made the creepypasta so disturbing for most; if you want more; go to the link right here:

For those of you wondering; "But aren't video game creepypasta's full of it?" Well, most of them are for the most part. But this one actually has some prelevence, the hack exists and you can download and play the hack if you want, no strings attached; another thing is that The Sticky Paddle; a youtube channel that has alot of other video game related stuff has a series called; "Creepy Gaming" where they talk about creepy video game related stuff and talk about the story itself; which you can watch here;

Anyways, if you watched the video and went to the creepypasta wiki, you might recognize this image:

This image has been stated many times to be the result of the supposed; "Victim #1" as stated in the creepypasta many times before, as of course there are a few similarities between victim #1 and the image shown and the result is the public overall believing it is victim #1, however; I must point out that it is not Victim #1.

Why do I say this? Well; for many reasons more than one and many questions bearing. The main reason is that there is a difference between victim #1 and the picture; for those who do not know what the description of Victim #1 is; let me tell you as it is like an autopsy.

"Victim #1: The Eyeballs were unable to be found. The Victim was found lying on her carpet. Causes of death unknown, handmarks with unidentifiable fingerprints were found all over the corpse."

That right there is description right there for Victim #1; but I must point out how different it is from the picture; how different you ask, well, allow me to point out the one big difference that shows why it CANNOT BE victim #1;

Notice the "victims" eyes are still prevalent on the person and still exist on itself, whatever it is. If this WAS Victim #1, than her/his eyes should be gone, but they aren't. As for this piece of overall disproving evidence; what exactly is it that I think this picture could be, well, it could be just a normal picture than got corrupted, I suspect that this story has been written by a woman and since that ressembles a womans skull by all means, it could be the true "M.A.R.I.O" that led "Adam" to find the hack and play it.

But all of this is my opinion, tell me what you think and what your opinion is? Leave a comment below and let me know.